Tuesday was about getting the heart rate going, Wednesday we worked it with some burpees, and Thursday was targeting the whole body with cardio. Today, #FreeFriday, is all about showing our favorite way to get our cardio on, with some forearm action thrown in. Well, I'm doing one big fat giant post for the week because, spoiler, I LOVE cardio! In fact I probably do a little too much of it, and not enough yin and restorative activities. But there's nothing quite like that "runner's high," which I've discovered I can also get doing many other endorphin-rush-inducing activities. Read more about my fitness lifestyle here
Still my favorite cardio, and for many reasons. You can take it everywhere with you! You don't need any equipment or specific place or class or anything. Just some spandex (if that, since I may or may not have had to run in jeans last week… Whatever the bride wants, the bride gets!) and running shoes. It's the best, full body exercise that I have taken with me all over the world on travels, moves, various terrain, with groups, by myself, in races, etc.
Ok, I may have lied before because since I've discovered skinning, that truly has become my favorite cardio. But it's definitely not as versatile as running. You have to have snow and the ability to get to a mountain. But if it's there, oh man, I'm so excited!
I actually grew up with water sports, with canoeing with my parents. I love being out on the water. It doesn't even feel like you're working out most of the time! Until that night and the next morning and you feel muscles you didn't even know you had!
I love dancing! Another one where you don't really realize you're working out, even though you're dripping in sweat. But after a night of dancing, whew I'm sore the next day!
This is one of the most satisfying activities for me. I love hiking to a peak or a vista! It's so validating! And backpacking is so much fun! Yes, it's hard hiking with a 50-pound pack on. But the knowledge that you're essentially carrying all of your necessities for the duration of the trip on your back is so empowering!
I don't play field hockey too much anymore (anybody know if there's a club for old people (aka non students) in Portland?!), so bootcamp with Jamie and the Sweat Pink crew is as close to training for a sport that I've gotten in years. So much fun (and helpful!) to have a supportive group around you as you push yourself to the limit!
Burn Cycle in Portland is my newfound love! 45 minutes of sweating more than you've ever thought physically possible while being encouraged (and entertained!) by the ripped, bleach-blonde Jessi and jamming out to DJ beats is definitely one of my favorite ways to break a sweat as of late.
No explanation needed. Well… Whether it's in a kick-ass power class, busting poses around town or while out on hikes/runs, stretching while waiting in the airport before boarding my flight or watching a movie… I'm constantly doing yoga. Love! And if you don't think yoga is a cardio workout, check out a power class or try busting a bunch of handstands!
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BONUS: Some hallowback forearmstand action while out on a trail run! |
What are your favorite ways to break a sweat and get your cardio in? Join the fun! #sweatpink #BOSUStrong #FitFamily #ad @bosufitness (Twitter) @bosu_fitness (Instagram) @FitApproach
Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by BOSU, but all opinions are my own. We appreciate the brands that support the Sweat Pink (Fit Approach) community!
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