Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Now

Wow. What an idea. When discussing this, I don't want to relate it to destiny, as that's a pretty controversial topic. Instead, I prefer to think of it in terms of the idea that you are exactly where you are meant to be in this moment. We, myself very much included, always seem to be in a hurry to get to the next step. It's great to have goals and to continue to move forward in life. However, to continuously have one's gaze facing forward, it's hard to not stay present in the current moment. To enjoy what is happening right now. If we keep searching for what's next, then we'll never be satisfied with what we have. If we work hard to get to a place in our lives, and once we attain that (whatever that might be), we simply start planning for the next step...etc etc, it's a vicious cycle. Then we can't enjoy the benefits of our hard work. I'm not saying it's not good to plan and have goals. But enjoy the journey! Easier said than done. Believe me, I know. 

Where are you in your life? Why do you let that "stage" determine and constrict your decisions? For example, as a woman/girl of nearly 24, I'm in a place of exploration. I working a job that I didn't go to college for, living in a ski town, having fun with friends, traveling and dating a lot. It's pretty awesome. However, coming from the South (with a capital S!), many other girls my age are in grad school, working in their field of study, or are married...or all of the above. I very much feel pulled in both directions. I'm in a time of my life right now where I'm trying to make some big decisions. But I'm also trying to enjoy the present moment, to enjoy this time free of roots and responsibilities.

Sometimes we find ourselves choosing a path simply because we think we should. However, some of the greatest things that occur in our lives happen when we aren't planning for it. You know those people that are in love and are telling their story, how they'll say, "I wasn't expecting it at all!" Exactly. So much better to enjoy the present moment, whatever that may hold for us, than to make plans for something/someone that isn't there yet. Why worry about "Is this meant to be?" when you can simply enjoy it? 

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